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Scranton , PA

Juanita’s Story

Juanita Harris meets challenges head-on. Losing her job just days after finding out she was pregnant for the first time, Juanita persisted through the difficult and emotional time. It proved to be a minor setback for a big comeback. Since then, she has built a ten-year grooming career, finding purpose, inspiration and community through give-back charity grooming tours.

Columbus , OH

Dale’s Story

The Andis Masters have been a part of Dale Williams' life for a long time. He was introduced to them out of necessity, but over time, they became his trusted partner as he went from cutting his own hair to the whole neighborhood's hair. The Andis Masters continue to empower Dale's creative expression to this day, supplementing the master barber as he brings people's visions to life.

San Jose, CA

Tavion’s Story

Tavion, aka Tee the Barber, has been cutting hair and honing his craft since his dad taught him how to cut in the nineties. Tee's favorite Andis products is the original Master clipper, the exact same clipper his dad used to teach him. The blade speed, blade range, and overall power allow him to create dynamic looks, like his iconic drop fade.
