Genuine Andis products are made with high-quality materials. If the price is too good to be true,
it probably is. Counterfeit packaging may include, but is not limited to, shrink-wrapped boxes,
cheap feeling cardboard or plastic, grammatical and spelling mistakes, and incorrect logos.
Counterfeit products may also be missing other documentation inside such as the Use & Care pamphlet
with Warranty and Product Registration information. The item may also be missing a box altogether.
Auction sites offering products with no box, manual or warranty documentation are often counterfeit.
Please Note: On August 2, 2021, we launched our new company branding that you see today online. As we
go through this transition, you may see products and packaging with our original branding still available
in stores. These are still the same high-quality/genuine Andis products and will be changed out over time.